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AC air not cool enough - VW Jetta

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Nov 14, 2013, 7:57 PM

Post #1 of 4 (6249 views)
AC air not cool enough - VW Jetta Sign In

Hello Guys,

Hope you can help me resolve my problem that I fill my AC air is not cool enough.

Car is a 2002 VW Jetta MK4 2.0 with Climatronic AC

One month ago the air conditioner was no throwing cold air. I open the hood and the compressor magnetic pulley was engaging, so the system has gas. Took the car to a AC Tech that always has fix my other cars and he connect his refrigeration gauges and it was needing gas.

I ask him why if the system need gas the compressor never stop working since I know it have a safety pressure valve. He toll me that it only need a small amount of gas. I am pretty sure when he hook the refrigeration gauges, I saw it was reading 40lbs and he toll me the system needs 45lbs.......... He put gas and the AC was cooling like when the car was new.

Using the car during the next month, I was filing that the AC was gradually decreasing on cooling.

Took the car again to the same AC Tech and he begin to check all the AC parts in the engine compartment in order to look for leak with oil residues. He check the Compressor area, front Condenser and all the rubber hoses and don't find any leak or oil residue.

I leave the car since he was going to check the evaporator. Later he call me and toll me that he need to change the evaporator since it have a crack and it leaking there.

Today I pick up the car and he replace the Evaporator, Dryer Bottle, some O rings, put compressor oil, make vacuum, fill the system with gas and put new foam to the flap doors that mix hot air with cold air. He show me pics of the new foam he put to the flap doors.

I enter my car, start it and set the AC temperature in 22º (I always use it in 22º) and the air was not cold. I need to set the air in 19º or 18º to fill that the air is cold and I don't think the air is cold enough. So I complaint with him that the air is not cold enough. He hook again his refrigeration gauges and check it again and put some more gas and toll me to use the car for some days.

I drive it to my house and it was raining and the outside temperature was 28º and I need to put the AC in 18º to fill some cold air. I park the car in the garage with the engine running and AC on and under the car I can see that water was coming out from the side were the evaporator it is.

I think when the outside temperature will be hot with a sunny day the AC will not cold :-(

My question is: What can be the problem that I need to put the AC temperature in 19 o 18 to get some cool air?

When the first time I was filling that the AC was not cooling anymore, I open the hood and the compressor magnetic pulley was engaging, so the system has gas but there was not cool air. Do this mean something to you? because I saw that it have 40lbs and he put a little more and then the AC begin to cool.

Can all these symptoms can be that the expansion valve need replacement?

I really appreciated you time and help,



Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Nov 14, 2013, 8:20 PM

Post #2 of 4 (6240 views)
Re: AC air not cool enough - VW Jetta Sign In

Is your tech using a scale to charge the ac system? If he is charging by pressure, you need to take it to a shop that has the proper equipment for charging the ac system. We don't have that VW here in the states, so don't know what the system charge weight should be. There should be a sticker somewhere under the hood that specifies the weight of refrigerant the system contains. You can't charge these small systems using pressures or you'll over or undercharge the system.

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Nov 14, 2013, 8:23 PM)

New User

Nov 14, 2013, 8:28 PM

Post #3 of 4 (6234 views)
Re: AC air not cool enough - VW Jetta Sign In

Hey Discretsignals,

The car is a 2002 Volkswagen Jetta. I am pretty sure that model is sold in USA he use this gauges to check the gas and to fill new gas in the system:

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Discretesignals profile image

Nov 14, 2013, 8:50 PM

Post #4 of 4 (6231 views)
Re: AC air not cool enough - VW Jetta Sign In

I'm not showing a 2.0 turbo model here in the states. Turbo is either on the 1.8L or the Diesel.

A 2.0L AVH holds 750 grams of R-134A.

The gauges are for monitoring pressures and allowing you to charge and recover systems through the yellow hose in the middle. To properly charge the system, you have to use a scale and a refrigerant cylinder or use a refrigerant recover and recharge machine. The scale tells you the weight of refrigerant that is going in system when you charge it. If your charging the system, by using the pressure gauges, your charge is going to be off. Why? Because temperature affects pressure. Also some of these compressors are able to change there displacement which affects pressures. You have to charge the system by weight using an accurate scale. These systems are very critical on refrigerant charge and if your off a couple of ounces it will affect their performance.

ac recovery evac and recharge machine with built in refrigerant scale:

Since we volunteer our time and knowledge, we ask for you to please follow up when a problem is resolved.

(This post was edited by Discretesignals on Nov 14, 2013, 9:11 PM)


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