
Jan 21, 2010, 5:46 PM
Post #1 of 27
Saturn not turning over!
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I have a 98 saturn sl1, single overhead cam and i think it's a 1.4 or 1.8 liter. For the past several weeks i have had starting problems, it would start fine in the morning but if i tried to start it an hour or 2 later i would have to hold the gas all the way down to kill the fuel injectors and rev it for a bit to keep it from stalling again, well a bout a week ago i go to start the car after work and it just clicked. I just replaced the Coolent temp sensor, battery and starter and not it keeps cranking but will not turn over or start, i have no idea what to do, i have already cleaned off the connectors and grounds as best as possible. please help!
(This post was edited by riddleboxboy on Jan 21, 2010, 5:59 PM)
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Jan 21, 2010, 8:21 PM
Post #2 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Is the check engine light on? Is there any stored codes. On a problem like this it would really help if you could look at a data stream to see what the sensors are reading... I've had 3 Saturns with this same problem that turned out to be coolant temp sensors.... I see you've replaced yours but it would be nice to see what the comp is seeing. Did the connecter fit tight when you changed it?
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Jan 21, 2010, 8:45 PM
Post #3 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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The connector is tight, and yes the check engine light IS on, it has been on and off sporadically for a little while now, as for the codes, unfortunately i live about 12 miles from the closest auto parts store and as the car won't start i cannot bring it in to have the codes checked, I (probably stupidly) assumed that it was because of the CTS so i didnt bother getting it checked. In the morning i am going to get up extra early and check everything again and just hope it works before i have to go to work. I'm just hoping its something simple and not a whole new part i need to buy like the Crankshaft position sensor. I did however also notice that even after replacing the CTS when i turn the key to the ON position the temp gauge goes up to the middle marker. I'm not sure what that means, i'm assuming its because the car hasnt ran since it was replaced that it hasn't "learned" the proper temperature yet.
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Jan 21, 2010, 8:58 PM
Post #4 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Well it was a pretty good guess considering it will start good cold & need to be clear flooded to start warm. Best thing to do is get the codes read to see if you can get any direction from that.
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Jan 22, 2010, 6:13 AM
Post #5 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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I noticed this morning when i went out that the battery cables didnt look like they were seated properly so i assumed maybe it just wasnt connected quite enough to turn over. But while tightening the negative post, i noticed as soon as it starts to get tighter than like finger turning tightness that it "slipped" back to completely loose, so im going to by a new post today if possible, i'm not sure what effect, if any that could have. I'm just hoping i dont need a crank position sensor because now i have no jack thats safe enough for me to get under the car and get to it because its located above the starter which is located in the middle of the rear of the engine between a bunch of stuff.
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Jan 22, 2010, 8:16 PM
Post #6 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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You always want to make sure you have a good battery and connections before doing anything else so that's a good start... FYI there is no hydraulic jack in the world safe enough where you could get under a vehicle with out jack stands for support and don't let me catch you under there without your safety glasses either......
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Jan 23, 2010, 8:45 PM
Post #7 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Lol yeah i know, i dont have jack stands so i jacked it up enough to put ramps under the tires (my driveway wont allow me to simply push the car up them) As for the safety glasses, i do need to pick some up. I was hoping to have some more definite answers tonight but my buddy from work forgot to bring in his code reader so its still gonna be another day or two before i now more, because i'm clear out of ideas and i dont want to risk making the issue worse by messing with everything.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Jan 24, 2010, 2:14 AM
Post #8 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Ramps: Not a fan of them but they are everywhere. To heck with the car - don't get crushed! Level solid surface and make certain park brake is strong. Use of large logs or solid cement blocks could be safe. No joke - had ramps once - they squished like a soda can on me way long ago but slow enough I got out! Jockey any car hoisted in any manner before you get under one as it shouldn't budge. What can happen is you pry or put force on some item while underside and car moves or falls. Surely I speak for all the regular techs here - SAFETY FIRST! No car/vehicle is worth getting hurt or killed over! With little doubt, many of us have seen what can happen but lucky enough to be here. If you lack proper stuff get it somehow. We want you back unharmed, T
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Jan 24, 2010, 6:50 PM
Post #9 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Makes me glad I have a hoist. I hated all the years working in my driveway with ramps and wood blocks. Had a friend have a Firebird come off the jackstands since he had very cheap ones. Pushed his head through the back of his creeper. But he's got his 9 lives I guess. Five stitches in his forehead later and he was fine. But he's the exception to the rule.
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Jan 25, 2010, 3:20 PM
Post #10 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Well as i said, my friend forgot the code reader, but now i noticed that i do hear the fuel pump working, so i'm going to assume that it is a spark issue. Could changing the spark plugs and or wires fix this possibly? I just replaced the plugs and wires about last july or august. I'm not sure if it could be that simple or not, i did pull them out and they all looked pretty "worn in", as in had some burn marks on them. I figure that is normal but im trying to see if anything cheap and simple could be the problem.
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Jan 28, 2010, 3:48 PM
Post #11 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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So now my girlfriend just wants me to call a garage to tow it away and work on it, then just pay em when taxes come in. i really dont want to do this because if it turns out to be something i could have spent $20 on and fixed myself i dont want to have to spend hundreds of dollars due to un needed testing or work, plus the tow bill. I just want to figure this problem out and fast.
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Jan 28, 2010, 4:13 PM
Post #12 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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I hear ya it would be nice to save some money but on the other hand you don't want to blow a bunch either only to have to taken it in anyway......... I may have missed something but I thought this was a hard start when warm, now it sounds like a no start.... Some systems use 1 temp sensors & some use 2, my database is only showing one but I seem to remember one of the Saturns having 2. On the one you changed look again a little deeper & more to the left and see if there isn't another one, if there is that would be the one for the comp. If it isn't starting at all now, then you need to confirm spark, fuel pressure and injector pulse to start with. I know you said you can hear the pump but if this comes down to a fuel problem, a pressure reading will need to be taken at some point before getting to deep into it...........
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Jan 28, 2010, 4:23 PM
Post #13 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Yeah i think i'm just going to cave and have it towed in and see if they can give me some kind of qoute before they do anything.
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Jan 31, 2010, 5:44 PM
Post #14 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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A friend came over today with a code reader of some sorts but i guess it just goes through everything and tells you whats working and whats not, apparently, iys saying tht my h02 sensor is not on, would that cause the car to not start?
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Jan 31, 2010, 5:47 PM
Post #15 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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No that's not going to cause a no start. Normally on no starts you check for fuel & spark 1st but considering the nature of your problem I would be tempted to pull the plugs out & make sure they aren't fuel fouled since it had be running just starting hard warm ............
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Jan 31, 2010, 6:10 PM
Post #16 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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The other day when my friend was here he said he pulled the plugs and looked/smelled inside and didnt see or smell any gas, but i do hear the fuel pump working, i'm at a loss
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Feb 4, 2010, 6:38 PM
Post #18 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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put a fuel pressure gauge on it. Sometimes a pump will make noise and do nothing helpful, much like my ex wife. And just like my ex wife, you almost think its working until you verify its just making noise and wasting time and money of yours.
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Feb 5, 2010, 8:53 PM
Post #19 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Well a mechanic my girlfriends son knows, had the same car, same model, year, everything, he said the same exact thing happened, it turned out to be the coil packs and control module (i think) both went at the same time, he offered to sell me both coil packs and the control module for $75, which is an amazing steal of a price. the question is, does anyone here know where thats located on a 98 saturn, sl1 1.9 liter SOHC? i dont wanna buy em if i cant even put em in.
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Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 6, 2010, 3:08 AM
Post #20 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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That's a steal if new and you need them....... Just looked to see how they are installed and by looking at parts one bolt secure both but not certain. You definitely don't want to break a bolt! Use copious PB rust buster as needed or good penetrating oil. Module looks like this..........
The coil packs are at the other end of plug wires look like this......
Use silicone or dialectic grease which may come with the parts on threaded bolts and it may say (should) to put some where they contact, T
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Feb 6, 2010, 7:42 AM
Post #21 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Yeah the coil packs are one bolt, i can easily access them i just wasn't sure about the control modules location
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Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky
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Feb 6, 2010, 9:26 AM
Post #22 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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The Ignition Module is right under the coil packs and held on by the 2 bolts in each coil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.
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Feb 6, 2010, 9:37 AM
Post #23 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Ty i just found that as well, thnx to autozones online repair guides, im going to buy the parts most likely, ill update after the switch, thnx everyone :)
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Feb 24, 2010, 1:58 PM
Post #24 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Well i replaced the coil packs and the control module, still no spark and now no fuel, but i think my fuel line is probably frozen. I gave up and called a garage, there coming to tow it in either tonight or tommorow to look at it and let me know the deal.
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Mar 3, 2010, 9:05 PM
Post #25 of 27
Re: Saturn not turning over!
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Well turns out, that when my girlfriends son replaced my starter he pinched and broke a wire, so replacing the coil packs and control module was useless, as soon as the mechanic fixed the wire it worked, BUT the control module that i bought was shot so it wasnt firing on all cylinders, fortunately i kept the original one so the mechanic drove over and picked it up. now it runs fine he said, i'm having him change out the water pump, which caused the coolant leak, and the cooling fan motor which obviously caused the overheating. grand total give or take including tow,parts, and labor $650. i dont know to much about prices but seems like a good deal to me and im more than happy to pay it. i actually asked to replace the fan so its not like he was trying to "make" me buy useless stuff.
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