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Hard to get good seal on tire valves when inflating

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New User

Oct 18, 2008, 8:35 AM

Post #1 of 5 (1612 views)
Hard to get good seal on tire valves when inflating Sign In

I think someone may be damaging my tires valves.

When I try and put air in them I can't get a good seal with the inflation nozzle. No matter how hard I try the air just leaks out around the edges between the valve and the inflation head/valve. At first it was one tire, now it's on three. I think someone is somehow damaging the valves in some subtle way. They look ok, but I just can't get the inflation head to make a good seal on the tire valve face.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Oct 18, 2008, 11:15 AM

Post #2 of 5 (1603 views)
Re: Hard to get good seal on tire valves when inflating Sign In

That's more frequently the hose you are using not the tire valves unless you clearly see some damage?? Are they rubbing curbs right thru the caps or something??


Jeff Norfolk
Jeff Norfolk profile image

Oct 18, 2008, 11:16 AM

Post #3 of 5 (1601 views)
Re: Hard to get good seal on tire valves when inflating Sign In

It is difficult to tamper with a tire valve to cause trouble and it not just leak all together. It is likely a problem with air chuck you are using. Have you tries to air up the tires at another air station or use a different air chuck? I would give this a try before having all the valve stems(tire valves) changed.

New User

Oct 18, 2008, 11:35 AM

Post #4 of 5 (1599 views)
Re: Hard to get good seal on tire valves when inflating Sign In

Hi Guys,

It may be the air machine I used. It was a new one but maybe that doesn't matter.

The valve caps are all on the valves and there's no scraping or corrosion on the valve so it may be the pumps hose attachment.

No matter what I did I just couldn't get a good seal. I did manage to get the tries filled. More air went in that escaped.

I thought maybe someone somehow shaved the valve end with some sort of tool, or maybe backed the valve stems out just enough to prevent the chuck from coming in full contact with the valve face.

It would be hard to hide tampering I guess. The valves look ok. The tires are not old.

I have experienced vandalism on the car so I'm paranoid.

Next time I'll try another machine.

Anonymous Poster

Oct 27, 2008, 11:16 AM

Post #5 of 5 (1573 views)
Re: Hard to get good seal on tire valves when inflating Sign In

I agree with others here.
Take a peek at the air chuck you were using to inflate the tires.
I'll bet the rubber seal that would sit up against the outer rim of your valve stem is missing or destroyed inside the business end of the air chuck.

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