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Dec 8, 2009, 7:48 PM
Post #1 of 9
Broken alternator mount
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Hello everyone, Way2old may recognize this as it is posted elsewhere but I thought I'd ask here in hopes for a quick response... This is a 95 Chevy G20 van 5.something liter. Back in the middle of summer I replaced the serpentine belt and I noticed a small crack at one of the bolt heads. It seemed like it could have been an edge between two pieces of metal, sort of a joint of sorts and so I decided to just keep my eye on it. Granted it's a weird spot for a joint to be, but I left it alone anyway. So now it is cracked in two spots, that original one I just mentioned and now a HUGE one over on the opposite side. The alternator is just dangling in place and wiggles around quite freely now. What I'd like to know, what my manual doesn't show me is how the hell to replace that mount. It is one big piece of metal that seems to be part of the engine itself. There are no easly visible mounting points that I can see anywhere (I haven't really tore into it too far though). It almost seems as if a new peice of metal will have to be welded to it in order to get it fixed, but I'm sure that is not the case. Here are a few photos. Can anyone start me off in the right direction or should I just take this thing in to a mechanic tommorow. BTW, my level of experience is moderate. I've done a lot of my own car repairs over the years to include water pumps, alternators, radiators, wheel bearings and seals, rear axle replacement, brakes, installed my own car stereo. Is this something I can handle in a few hours? If not, I'll just pay someone.
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(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Dec 9, 2009, 3:54 AM)
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Dec 8, 2009, 9:59 PM
Post #2 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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That was/is a common problem on those. The whole bracket has to be replaced. It's actually not as bad as it looks. No special tricks, just take a common sense approach to it, but pretty much everything has to come off.
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Dec 8, 2009, 10:35 PM
Post #3 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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By everything do you mean all the pulley devices? Water pump, AC etc... I think I'd have to pull the radiator out to get to all that stuff, what is that part even called? How would I know what to buy is what I'm asking? Can you estimate what it would cost to have a mechanic do it instead?
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Dec 8, 2009, 11:29 PM
Post #4 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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Yes you have to pull all the accessories but not the water pump or the rad. Man it's been a while since I've done one of those. It paid like 2 or 3 hrs. if I remember right? After you did a few of them it was real easy to beat the book on those.
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Dec 9, 2009, 12:26 AM
Post #5 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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Lol, you're saying all this as if this is ancient history....sad but true I guess. Not many of these things floating around anymore. Two or three hours mechanic time translates to probably 5-6 hours maybe more of my time. It's cold, rainy, I don't have a lot of free time this week or weekend, plus I have an extra 500 bucks coming this paycheck. Christmas is just around the corner though....man, what to do what to do? Do you have a part name? I looked up "alternator mounting bracket/plate" on a few parts sites (autozone, kragen) but only came up with a little curved bracket device with a couple of screws, not the right thing...
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Dec 9, 2009, 12:20 PM
Post #6 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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So I found this: http://www.oehq.com/...G20%20VAN%205.7L.htm# It is listed as a 1991 G20 5.7L, but I have a 1995 G20 5.7L...will this work? Is this even close to what I need or am I way off? I really don't want to tear into this thing if it's going to be a huge multi-day headache. I would just pay someone if it isn't outlandish. You said it paid 2-3 hours...figure in parts and I'm out what 400-500 bucks? Would I need any special tools, gear pullers, pully removers etc. or is this just a standard socket and wrench kind of job?
(This post was edited by jackslap on Dec 9, 2009, 12:21 PM)
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Dec 9, 2009, 5:13 PM
Post #7 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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Hey jackslap. If you need to remove a pulley, the power steereing should be the only one. Some parts houses rent tools for free. You leave a deposit and get it back when you return the tool. The only other problem I can remember is some of the bolts might be brolen and need drilled out. Other that that, one good afternoon and a few beers when done feels real good.
Being way2old is why I need help from younger minds
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Dec 9, 2009, 7:21 PM
Post #8 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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BAM! Got this mofo off...I decided to just do it myself and save a chunk for Christmas. Pretty easy going so far. Only had to remove two alternator bolts, two idler pulleys, and the wheel tensioner. Nothing else was attached to this. Whew! Now I just have to find the damn thing, nothing like the picture that I posted earlier. It's more like a "mounting shroud" or something...
Dealers are closed for the night, maybe I'll try Kragen or Autozone armed with this new information. Or I can google those numbers.
(This post was edited by jackslap on Dec 10, 2009, 9:52 AM)
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Dec 9, 2009, 8:32 PM
Post #9 of 9
Re: Broken alternator mount
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Glad to see you got it handled Jack. That's not the bracket I was thinking of so you lucked out Those look like casting numbers so they may not be of much help but you shouldn't have to much trouble finding it, all though you will probably be limited to the dealer or wrecking yard for that part...... Naw.....not ancient history but you did make me think that it's been a while since I've done one the ones I was thinking off.... use to do them all the time, they'd crack, let the alt tilt & throw the serp belt....
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