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Brake is making funny groaning noise

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Sep 17, 2007, 4:19 PM

Post #1 of 3 (3142 views)
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My car is Toyota Sienna 04, LE, 70,000 km in mileage. Last Nov, I have front brake pad replaced at a Toyota dealer. Several weeks later, the brake starts to make some low pitch groaning noise, like on...on...on, after I drive the car in city for couple kms (of course use the brake for stopping at traffic lights or intersections etc). The noise gets louder and louder if I keep using the car, such that passengers sitting in mid-row can hear it. It's not metal grinding or any high pitch sound. I seldom slam on the brake. The sound is speed related and is the loudiest before the car comes to nearly stop.

I bought the car back to the dealer and had a tech to test drive it. He said it's the shim pad get wrapped. I replaced it as suggested. Sound gone for couple weeks and come back again. Bought the car back to the same dealer and talked to the service mgr. Another tech went with me on test drive and dignosised the roter problem. Mgr suggested to swapped the left/right front rotor-free of charge, saying that the rotor sometimes have coating problem such grains on the coating may be directional!! Never heard this kind of porblem. Did the job as suggested. Same thing, sound disappears for several weeks but comes back again.

I then bought the car to a brake specialist and a tech test drive it. Then the shop mgr said that is the hardware holding the brake causing the problem. Need to replace them. I feel very frustrated and unsafe. Though when I apply the brake, I don't feel any irregularities like vibration or pull to one side. But strange noise never make drive feel safe.

Any suggestion or advice is appreciated.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Sep 18, 2007, 5:42 AM

Post #2 of 3 (3136 views)
Re: Brake is making funny groaning noise Sign In

Dealer or not they may not have used pads that were up to factory specs. Different lining materials can do this even if they are safe it can be obnoxious. Pads can be contaminated during installation or if rotor is not cleaned after service the pad can impregnate material that causes noise.

I'd have the pads changed for known quality pads,


New User

Sep 18, 2007, 9:36 AM

Post #3 of 3 (3134 views)
Re: Brake is making funny groaning noise Sign In

Thanks, Tom. Tommorrow, I'll meet the service mgr of the dealer again. I'll update the outcome.


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