New User
Dec 2, 2007, 7:59 AM
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92 Geo Prizm Automatic
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My Geo's transmissions is finished. lol. I Experienced a jerk early yesterday and when attempting to drive home the car seemed to try to shift out or into any gears but the one it was in and couldn't. Finally after stopping it wouldn't do anything at all and i couldn't accelerate and shift into any gears, even Neutral wasn't working. I also noticed when i started home it was hard to move the shift gear out of park. Now my cars at the shop. Stupid me. I don't know anything about cars and would like someone to help identify the problem what parts I may need and how much labor i could expect. Thank you.
(This post was edited by Krillin77 on Dec 2, 2007, 8:00 AM)
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