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mice nesting in my car

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Anonymous Poster

Apr 23, 2007, 12:39 PM

Post #1 of 3 (6123 views)
mice nesting in my car Sign In

I have a 2000 volvo s40 and mice have been building nests in the air filter of my heating system, I've replaced the filter twice now in the past week because of this. I tried using mothballs to deter the mice from coming back, but it didn't work. I'm scared that they're going to keep coming back and damage my car even further. I was wondering if you had any advice for how to keep rodents away from my car?

Veteran / Moderator
DanD profile image

Apr 23, 2007, 3:39 PM

Post #2 of 3 (6120 views)
Re: mice nesting in my car Sign In

I’ve tried or attempted trying one of those ultra sonic devices that plugs into a wall socket; it’s suppose to put out a sound that irritates them and chase them away. Why I say that I attempted too try, is that as soon as I plugged it in my pet bird went nuts in his cage. LOL
So it must do something, whether it works for mice I don’t know; I couldn’t leave it plugged in.
Something else you could try is back your car in wherever you park it. Changing the cars location maybe enough for the mice not to find their way back into the heater; some place else maybe but not the heater???

Canadian "EH"

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Apr 24, 2007, 8:14 AM

Post #3 of 3 (6111 views)
Re: mice nesting in my car Sign In

This can be a real problem. I've seen wires eaten -- copper and all missing and hard to splice in new wire when cut off right at plugs. I've used rat poison under hood and mouse traps with peanut butter as bait. Use your judgment on what's safe for your own pets and or children. If the poison gets consumed put more out till it doesn't get eaten as once meal isn't enough.

The poisons available in the US should not kill anything but rodents but will make mammals sick for a while. If you find a dead mouse or chipmonk throw it out in trash as another critter could be hurt making lunch out of it.

I've never had luck with mothballs. Have heard that the smell of ammonia can work.

A good barn type cat would probably be the best bet and NO you can't borrow mine as she is too domestic and would no doubt just join in the fun.

The sonic noise things just may work for you but I have never tried one so can't say. It obviously bothered Dan's bird so they do, do something.

Years ago there was a product called shaperone (sp?) which was meant to keep pets off of furniture but I haven't seen it nor sought it out. A vet might have it or know about it. It worked for the pets without harm back when,

Let us know what works for you, T


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