Engine behaves strangely - Nissan Micra 1995
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Mar 20, 2016, 11:06 AM
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Engine behaves strangely - Nissan Micra 1995
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Hi. I have a problem with my Nissan Micra. The engine is like coughing the first 1-3 minutes after I have started the car. It sounds like the engine is close to dying, but I keeps running. It's not close to dying the whole time, the engine 'dips' down in revs every 1-2 second. If you drive it, it will start shaking/coughing, and then you'll have to press the clutch down to stop it, and let it run in neutral until the coughing stops. While it does that, you can hear some clicking noises inside the car, underneath the steering wheel. Sound like it comes from the electronics! The engine ONLY does this, when the engine has been run earlier and has cooled down. It won't do this, if the car has been standing over night. A mechanic have fixed the car recently, because it was running bad, the first 5 minutes every morning. He changed the spark plugs, cables and the rotor and that fixed it. But now the other problem has begun 3 days after. The car is an K11 and has run 206.000 km. Hope you can help :)
(This post was edited by LascariTheMan on Mar 20, 2016, 11:10 AM)
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