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Buying a Mustang...need advice

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Apr 9, 2009, 9:23 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1387 views)
Buying a Mustang...need advice Sign In

I'm trading in my Mustang V6 convertible for another Mustang. Only this time I didn't
necessarily want another convertible - so - knowing that the convertibles and the
GT's are more expensive models and hold their value, because their are also fewer of
them - I'm trying to decide between a 2005 GT w/25K miles on it or a 2008 regular coupe (V6
and not convetible) with 14K miles and got a quote on both - for SAME price. Also LOTS of
reg coupes on blueknobauto's site 2008's AND some 2009's ALL with low mileage.
So is it smart to buy a GT that is a couple of years old, or get a reg coupe ?? I really want
a GT, but can't afford brand-new - I thought that I had decided but now am paranoid, as
my brother says that a cars' parts can go bad just sitting there - and brand-new or almost
new is always better...ANY ADVICE???

(This post was edited by kathyp on Apr 17, 2009, 11:47 AM)


Apr 9, 2009, 10:26 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1384 views)
Re: Buying a Mustang...need advice Sign In

if you want a GT then get a GT.....youll be disappointed and always trying to justify why you didnt get it.

as far as years & mileage, it depends on your budget and shopping around. obviously you try to get the newest with the lowest mileage you can afford.

also look at options, if an older car with higher mileage has better options you gotta make yourself happy
2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee
2002 Ford Ranger
2004 Toyota Corolla
1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1


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