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Jul 18, 2009, 3:29 PM
Post #1 of 2
94 Ford Ranger No Start
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Hi, I have a '94 ford ranger and all I get is a clicking noise when I try to start it. I initially tried to jump start it, with no luck. I was able to start it by rolling down hill and popping into 1st gear. This worked but once it was parked it would not start again. My question is this...Could this still be a battery problem? Or is this most likely a selenoid problem?
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Jul 20, 2009, 3:14 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 94 Ford Ranger No Start
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Could be a battery or connection issue, make sure the terminals are clean & tight. Also you can try tapping on the starter body with a hammer to see if the starter has a dead short. If that gets it to crank then you have a bad starter....
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