Anonymous Poster
May 20, 2009, 10:37 AM
Post #1 of 5
My 2001 eurovan brake indicator is lit up on the dash and will not go away. it used to come and go, now it just stays on. meanwhile, the van beeps the entire time i am driving! when i stop, it stops. it's driving me crazy. also, the headlights, windshield wipers, and AC don't work when this is happening. we originally thought the hand brake sensor might be stuck under the cover, but no. also, the brake fluid level is good and the brake pads and wear sensors are all good. could this be an electrical problem? please help! thanks.
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator
May 20, 2009, 4:04 PM
Post #2 of 5
Re: 2001 VW Eurovan
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Is it the red brake warning lamp, or the amber ABS lamp? I'm not up on VWs by any sense of the word, but if it's the red lamp, check the sensor in the master cylinder and the switch on the parking brake lever. On some of the older imports, the brake lamp would illuminate if there was a charging system problem, but I doubt this is the case. I'm assuming that you are not noticing any abnormalities in braking. And, as you said, the master cylinder is full. Loren SW Washington
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New User
May 27, 2009, 3:47 PM
Post #3 of 5
Re: 2001 VW Eurovan
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It is indeed the red brake warning lamp. I'm not sure that we've checked the sensor in the master cylinder, so we'll do that. But I know the switch on the parking brake lever is not the problem. Also I'll mention the charging system to my husband just in case. No abnormalities braking. Thanks for the reply!
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Loren Champlain Sr
/ Moderator
May 27, 2009, 4:19 PM
Post #4 of 5
Re: 2001 VW Eurovan
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I just re-read your original post. I'm afraid I may have sent you on a wild-goose chase. I was concentrating on the brake lamp and disregarded the other things that are happening at the same time. Yes, it does sound like an electrical problem. Electrical happens to be my weakest (among many) points. Sorry. Hopefully, someone more knowledgable will jump in and be able to help. Loren SW Washington
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Anonymous Poster
May 28, 2009, 12:13 PM
Post #5 of 5
Re: 2001 VW Eurovan
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Thanks anyway!
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