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2001 Saturn intermitant start

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Jul 11, 2011, 8:07 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1684 views)
2001 Saturn intermitant start Sign In

this is a 2001 saturn se, The other night it stalled out and then decided it did not want to start. I tried it 25 mins later and it took off and ran the whole night ( I work as a delivery driver) then the next night I made a stop, turned the car off ran into the grocery store, came out 5 mins later and nothing, and only sometimes it would make a single click (from the starter), I jump started it and drove it home.

I parked it and went out 30 mins later and it started like nothing was ever wrong, I read a thread on here about intermitent starting in the saturns and they suggested replacing the starter so I did today, and it worked fine for about 4 short trips, then I start it up and it stalls, then wont start and is whirring over like its flooded, and now the service engine light is on as well as the security light, then I let it sit for 25 mins again and it starts right up

I unhooked the battery cable and cleaned it up with some sandpaper and the battery seems strong, any ideas or suggestions would be appriciated

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jul 11, 2011, 8:31 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1680 views)
Re: 2001 Saturn intermitant start Sign In

If the security light is on while trying to start the engine, you might have a Passlock issue. Passlock disables the fuel injectors, so the engine doesn't start. The engine may also start and then stall if the Passlock system is active and disabling the fuel. Passlock only disables the fuel system and not the starter.

You need to have the BCM scanned for codes. There may be codes concerning the passlock system that can lead you on a diagnostic path to resolve your issue.

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