1993 Mazda 626 Won't Start
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Anonymous Poster
Mar 1, 2008, 11:41 AM
Post #1 of 1
1993 Mazda 626 Won't Start
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I have a 1993 Mazda 626 V6 ES. A week ago I got in my car but forgot to disable my alarm, which I have done before. I turned the alarm off with the button on my keychain and went to start it and nothing happen. It did not even turn over. I pressed the reset switch under the streering wheel, turned the key in the door, unhooked the battery for 10 minutes, nothing. I am not sure if it is a factory alarm or not...There is a light on the dash that says security and a small flashing red light by the steering wheel, but it is a whirring alarm noise that sounds when it goes off, not honking and headlights flashing. I got the car towed to a mechanic, but when he started it in the morning it worked fine. So I drove it for another week, when the problem happened again, only this time the alarm was not activated at all. I replaced the starter 1 1/2 years ago and it has never had any problems turning over. Even now it just doesn't even try to start. I put it in neutral and tried starting it and the same thing happened. Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be? Any help would be appreciated.
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