gary 89
Anonymous Poster
Jul 27, 2008, 11:45 AM
Post #1 of 2
1989 buick regalw/3.0
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I have the problem of my car running for about 5min then just dying and not restarting until 5hrs or mor. car sat for 4-5mos no such problem until after this. Have been told to replace intake manifold seal. I have put gas dryout in tank as well as a fuel injector cleaner. I have not been able to change the fule filter yet do to rust on the lines. I read on another sight that this might be a chip problem in the electronic system. What do u think?
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Jeff Norfolk
Jul 27, 2008, 7:36 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 1989 buick regalw/3.0
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Hard to say. Once it stops running you have to find out why. It is either a fuel problem or a spark problem. A number of causes for a lack of either. Jeff
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