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Feb 23, 2010, 10:08 AM
Post #1 of 2
illac deville concours
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i have a 1994 cadillac deville cocours that fell dead all of a sudden while i was driving down the freeway when i tried starting it back up it sputted and shut back off. the fuel pump works but there is a funny noise coming from it. can sombody please help
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Feb 23, 2010, 7:31 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: illac deville concours
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check for fuel pressure with a gauge and post back with results. Also check the spark. If no spark but there is fuel, good chance you may have a bad crank sensor. They can cause this condition when they fail. Just because a fuel pump makes noise is no guarantee that it makes pressure so put a gauge on it and see what you get. It should be 40-50 pounds
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