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Polo Playa 1.6i 2002 (box shape) Struggling to start, flood or fuel starvation symptoms

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Mar 1, 2010, 5:25 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1359 views)
post icon Polo Playa 1.6i 2002 (box shape) Struggling to start, flood or fuel starvation symptoms Sign In

Car has been fine, got a clutch replaced in December 2009... but last week Monday i realised the car would take longer to start, mornings, evenings. I have replaced the Spark plugs. Once its running it runs fine, no power issues. The thing is, its almost like it gasps for petrol / air. Could this be a fuel injection problem? dirt? I have checked the fuel pipe when i turn the key on, fuel squirts so the pump is working. Your help would be appreciated.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Mar 1, 2010, 6:41 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1356 views)
Re: Polo Playa 1.6i 2002 (box shape) Struggling to start, flood or fuel starvation symptoms Sign In

Don't know the vehicle but same principles. Just seeing some fuel at a rail isn't conclusive. In that they don't sell that vehicle where I am not sure where to find specs but most injected engines like fuel pressure to be real close to the specification.

Try to get the real pressure both with key on, engine off and while running. Shut down and see how long it holds pressure too,



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