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Car Sarts then engine stops

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Nov 7, 2011, 4:30 PM

Post #1 of 2 (1827 views)
post icon Car Sarts then engine stops Sign In

For some time now i have noticed when i start my car i get to the end of my road and when i stop at the giveway lines the engine stops .
It starts after with alittle difficaulty then after a little run its fine when stop the engine stays running.

however today i got in my car to start it and it was trying to start and wouldn't and then it sounded like the batterrie died,i left it 5 mins and tried again and it started ,it was fine while reving the engine when i stoppped reving it so did the engine .and the it would not start again ,i then walked to my tai chi lesson ,i came home 2 hours later went to the car and it started and did the same ,i would like to know if this a batterie issue if not what could it be as i don't want to drive it now just incase i get stuck some where

any answers would be greatfull thanx

Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Nov 7, 2011, 6:04 PM

Post #2 of 2 (1798 views)
Re: Car Sarts then engine stops Sign In

I guess the first thing you should do is have the battery tested out. Make sure that the cable connections at the battery are clean and tight. If the connections are corroded really bad, you might have to install new ends. Once you know that the battery is good and the engine starts, check to see if the charging system is operational.

The battery may not be the cause of your problem, but it will cause a problem with trying to figure out why the engine doesn't want to start if the battery or starting system is raising heck.

Once you know that the battery, connections, and charging system is good, you can figure out the stalling and no start problem if it is still there.

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