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95n sunfire

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Jun 28, 2006, 10:39 AM

Post #1 of 2 (1966 views)
95n sunfire Sign In

I have a 95 Pontiac Sunfire with major issues.
When I start the stinkin car, it idles very rough. It also idles rough when in drive and I’m stopped. When I first accelerate, the car hesitates and takes a long time to get up to speed with a lot of jerking and backfiring (I think). It hasn’t stalled but it sure shakes a lot.
My dad changed the sparkplugs, the wires, the fuel filter and put some new o rings on something (can’t remember). It hasn’t fixed the problem but if runs just a little differently after each attempt. Could it be the fuel pump, a sensor or the computer? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Jun 29, 2006, 3:46 AM

Post #2 of 2 (1955 views)
Re: 95n sunfire Sign In

Yes it could be the fuel pump, a sensor or the computer and with your dad already doing some of the basics, it maybe time to take the car in and have it diagnosed.
Again with the basics done it’s time to start doing scanner and meter tests along with testing fuel pressure and volume.
It could be a plugged or defective fuel injector; or it could be, could be, could be; the list is quite long.
To determine what it is; you’re going to need equipment, test procedures and the knowledge of how to perform these test properly not to misdiagnose the root problem.
You and your dad may get lucky and trip over the problem but the costs of throwing parts at the car until you do may outweigh the cost of a garage finding the problem for you.
After they find the problem there’s no harm in paying them for their diagnosis and then completing the repairs your self. Just be up front with the garage that this may happen; that’s if you feel you can do the repairs. They’ll appreciate your honesty I know I would.

Canadian "EH"


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