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Jan 16, 2010, 12:01 PM
Post #1 of 2
95 Taurus likes to stall
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1995 Ford Taurus, 3.8L V6, 121K on the clock. Recently acquired, and was making normal service runthroughs, noticed a vacuum line disconnected towards top-side of engine. When connected, car will stutter and die. On the lower side, the connection hits the Evap Canister Purge Solenoid, top side Ts into a metal tube that runs from the Valve cover top on the rear side of the engine (passenger side for those that are used to this engine in a RWD) with the other side hooking into the throttle body, presumably. Anyone have any clues as to what might be happening? Any help is appreciated. This is one if its problems that has stumped me. -Taylor
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Jan 17, 2010, 10:08 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 95 Taurus likes to stall
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Just a quick guess, sounds like the purge valve maybe stuck open and is allowing it to purge at idle. Have the codes read & see if there are any evap codes.....P04XX
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