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2007 Vue Redline, Power / Random Startup Problems

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Jul 20, 2010, 7:23 AM

Post #1 of 1 (916 views)
2007 Vue Redline, Power / Random Startup Problems Sign In

Year of vehicle 2007
Make of vehicle Saturn
Model of vehicle Vue Redline
Engine size V6 SOHC VTEC
Mileage/Kilometers 93,000

I would say around last August / September a handful of weird issues started to crop up all of a sudden. First I noticed really bad lag when the vehicle would downshift. I could even slam the accelerator and it would sort of hesitate then go. However when it would go if felt as if I was driving head on into a heavy wind, or perhaps towing something. Just over all weird lack of power. The first thing I figured was something was wrong with the transmission, so I took it into the dealer and they can some tests, etc. And found some pressure switch was tripping a code. (although It did not flip the engine service light) They replaced it since it was barely under warranty. I was relieved, finally I would have my vehicle back to normal and fun to drive again.

Well I was wrong, none of the little power, lag, odd issues went away after the transmission repair. I could not afford to take it in again, so I just drove it and ignored it. Into Nov I started having starting issues. It would turn and turn over and finally start. So I replaced the battery, seemed the most logical thing, right? I did not notice it again until a few weeks later and this time after sitting inside our warehouse for the weekend it would once again turn over and over but never start. I let it sit for about 30 min and tried again and it finally fired up. I noticed a strong "gas" small however, and when I backed out and put it in drive my tires chirped and it felt like a had some extra power!? Of course by the time I went home it was its same old lethargic self again.

This kind of stuff happened on and off all winter, luckily it always would start, and most of the time not hesitate to do so. I have noticed a few other ticks with it also, it idols a little rough sometimes, but not always. It also sounds odd from outside in park, almost like a diesel engine.

So now and I am trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Can't trade it in ATM and would love to have it back to its old self as it was pretty fun to drive. If anyone as any inputs, or things I should be doing to it I would really appreciate it. The only thing I have done recently is run some techron through the fuel system.

Thanks guys!!

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(This post was edited by Hammer Time on Jul 20, 2010, 8:41 AM)


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