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'02 Alero 4 cyl hard start hot, coolant leak

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Mar 24, 2012, 5:28 AM

Post #26 of 28 (971 views)
Re: '02 Alero 4 cyl hard start hot, coolant leak Sign In

Thanks for the support and vote of confidence. All I see from you is "I Guarantee it won't work, I guarantee it won't work." It's almost like you're hoping it won't work. There are two things guaranteed in life and I think you know what they are.


Mar 24, 2012, 5:30 AM

Post #27 of 28 (971 views)
Re: '02 Alero 4 cyl hard start hot, coolant leak Sign In

And yes, you can splice and bypass it. Look it up and get humble. I don't think I ever met or heard of a technician that didn't have a huge ego and a God Complex.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Mar 24, 2012, 6:44 AM

Post #28 of 28 (963 views)
Re: '02 Alero 4 cyl hard start hot, coolant leak Sign In

Look, don't even start to get mouthy with me or this will be your last post here.

Do you really think I don't know how Passlock works? Go for it. Just start cutting wires if you think you know what your doing.


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