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Dec 13, 2010, 5:22 PM
Post #1 of 2
tail lights wont come on
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1994 pontiac Bonneville ssei 3800 my taillights will not come on when i turn the headlights on i replaced a blown fuse in the box underneath the dashboard but the brake lights only come on when i step on the brakes any ideas
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Dec 13, 2010, 7:33 PM
Post #2 of 2
Re: tail lights wont come on
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Make sure the fuse you replaced didn't blow again, if it did then you have a short and that would have to be traced down. Depending on you electrical expertise, if all the fuses are ok, then you would need to get a wiring diagram, test light or DVOM and start tracing the circuit down to see where you are losing power..
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