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Won't start

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New User

Nov 28, 2006, 6:58 PM

Post #1 of 9 (1971 views)
post icon Won't start Sign In

99 Dodge Grand Caravan Sport - 3.8 auto
This unit has been acting up in that it will not start, solenoid doesn't click, nothing. All electric systems appear to be working, but no response to the key. It seems to do this when the engine is quite warm. Dealers can't find it. I've been advised to check voltage to starter during the failure, but this usually occurs on the road. It's also been suggested I might have a faulty emergency neutral switch. Can anybody tell me where to find it and how to check it ?? Any other suggestion.........................?? All info appreciated.Mad

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Nov 28, 2006, 7:58 PM

Post #2 of 9 (1968 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

Get a test light. $4.88 at WallyWorld or a better one if you want elsewhere.

When you said that it happens when engine is quite warm -- if this vehicle can't maintain a constant temp that's a different issue.

Does every thing else work when this happens? T

New User

Nov 28, 2006, 9:51 PM

Post #3 of 9 (1965 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

When I said the engine was quite warm I simply meant after driving for some time as the vehicle has no cooling system problems. Yes, all other electrical systems function - lights, wipers, windows, etc. OK, I'll get the test light. What's next ?
I need some guidance as to where to find switches etc. if that's part of the next step. Thanks for the quick reply.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Nov 29, 2006, 12:16 AM

Post #4 of 9 (1964 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

Sorry If I sounded short there. Kitty was telling me to get the heck off the 'puter!!

OK: Back to this issue.

Dealers are confused and so am I?? But let's try some basics that may be telling.

1. Try seeing if current from start request makes it to the little wire at solonoid. Gonna have to catch it in the failure mode or no help there with info.

2. The no click at all bugs me. Bad battery connections both sides all the way thru usually give you just one click and then nothing. And then if you leave something like your interior lights on they too may shut down for the moment. They still need to be ruled out.

The intermittent problems cause baldness whether you are the mechanic or a customer. It's rule that these problems will never show up in front of a mechanicMad


I think this vehicle has a piggy back solonoid and starter motor. That is both together and a rebuilt or perhaps new would come that way. If you want to toss the dice -- from what I see the starter is probably the problem. Let us know your pain toleran$e for tossing parts as the test and I hate to do that!! T

steve01832 profile image

Nov 29, 2006, 3:05 AM

Post #5 of 9 (1962 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

Good call Tom. A heat sensitive electrically open solenoid is a fairly common problem. When the solenoid opens, you won't have anything, not even a click. If you have this happen and the dash lights don't dim, chances are good a new starter and solenoid assembly are the culprit.


New User

Nov 29, 2006, 6:41 AM

Post #6 of 9 (1960 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

My pain threshold is not too high, but there is a salvage yard close by, and if I had a method of testing a used unit before buying, it would help a lot. Time is not a factor as this thing might go a month between incidents, and being retired I don't travel a great deal. Bench test for a starter ?? This starter does have the solenoid attached. Can you also tell me where this neutral switch is located ?? ..........Many thanks for your input !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Nov 29, 2006, 10:51 AM

Post #7 of 9 (1957 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

The neutral safety switch is probably at the transmission but not sure. If you test for power getting to the solonoid it's not the switch if it gets there.

Steve said he's seen some of these problems so I go with that and if you want a used starter and solonoid - even if it wasn't a real good one the problem would probably be different which about proves it, T

New User

Dec 2, 2006, 5:04 PM

Post #8 of 9 (1940 views)
Re: Won't start Sign In

Well, Tom, I had the van up on the ramps and was able to check for power to the starter and there was none. All other electric components are working. I have acquired another starter, but I guess that isn't the answer. Any suggestions would be welcome.

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Tom Greenleaf profile image

Dec 2, 2006, 10:43 PM

Post #9 of 9 (1932 views)
99 Caravan 3.8 Auto - No start when warm Sign In

OK let's refresh here: 99 Caravan has no power to starter intermittenly when warmed up.

There was no power and a replacement starter didn't change anything?? Hope I have that right and if not I will delete this post or change it.

The 12V power chase is on. Let's roll with this and I suggest from battery to starter's solonoid have power all the time. The smaller wire triggers it but if no power there it can't if it tried. Follow wires till you find the break in power.

Not said yet is test the test light. The clip on one wired end may not have a good ground even when it looks like it's fine. Test away and report findings -- let's fix this sucker! T

About the drive on ramps: I don't like them and was almost killed by them. Had a 1973 Caddy CDV that crushed them with me under the car!!!! Yes It fell one side then the other and I had (duh -I'm here) time to get out! They were rated for the insane weight of that car but squished like soda cans. I had two sets of those and all are long gone for the dump and have never used them or anything like them since. I do trust floor jacks and jack stands and leave both in place even if they get in the way of working on something. Be safe folks


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