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New User
Jul 11, 2007, 9:30 AM
Post #1 of 1
Trofeo Instrument Panel
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I have a 1990 Olds Toronado,(Trofeo), the instrument panel including speedometer, dash lights, heater, gas guage etc. doesn't operate until after I've driven upwards of 50 miles. In fact the only thing operational is the tachometer. Eventually the rest of the instruments will kick in and stay operational until the vehicle is shut down. If I restart soon the operational downtime is decreased. If the car stays idle for longer periods, the intruments take longer to "kick in". I have spent may hundreds of $$ tracking down this problem with no success. The entire wiring system was checked for a short, none was found. The instrument cluster was replaced as well. I'm beginning to wonder if the problem is thermal as the downtime is longer after a cold start than if it's a restart. And the longer the interval between restarts effects the length of the downtime. Any suggestions? I'd appreciate any help. I want to give this car to my son on his 16th B-day Ed
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