2004 Focus multiple issues
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Nov 30, 2010, 8:13 PM
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2004 Focus multiple issues
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First of all, finding this forum is a savior for me, so thank you in advance for any advice you offer. I'm looking for anything you can give (what it might be, how it can be fixed, anything else I might try, if it's fairly harmless or a sign of something worse to come, etc). Sorry this is so long, but obviously, I'm going for thorough so you can get a better idea of the issues. I've had a 2004 Ford Focus ZTS with roughly 60,000 miles on it (I'm not sure of the engine size, I'm sorry!) for about 6 months now. Since I've had it, I've had problems, but no luck on help from the dealer. The biggest problem I'm having now started with, and bear with me as I try to explain this, but a lurching/loss of power sensation. I'd have my foot on the gas, it would lurch like it was losing power, but it always came right out if it as long as I kept my foot on the gas. Up until a few days ago. I was on the highway, and it did that, but it did not come out of it. It actually stuck for a moment (as if the gas pedal was stuck, my foot wasn't on it, but I actually accelerated - once I pushed the brake, it sped right back up, so I braked enough to separate myself from traffic, then punched the gas, and it unstuck). Once I got it under control, I pulled off the side of the road, and at that point noticed my check engine light was on. None of the other lights were on. I called for a ride, and when we came back later, the car wouldn't start at all. On a whim, we jumped the battery, and it worked. I took it to Autozone, and their machine diagnosed a bad battery, but stated the alternator was fine. I bought a new battery, and for a day or two, it worked fine. Now I'm having problems, and I'm not sure if they're all related or not. The biggest of them I believe is electrical. Before I got the new battery, I had noticed that the windshield wipers, when you would push the lever (like when you use wiper fluid), it would stop as soon as you let go of the lever. So you actually have to hold it down until it completes its cycle, then let go. When I got the battery, it corrected this problem for about two days, but now it's doing it again. Also, I've noticed that at night, when I turn the car on, the headlights flicker. Not on and off, more like dim and on. And the lights for the stereo, they seem to go on and off. Not in any steady pattern, it seems at random, more than anything else. I tried with the heater on, and off, and neither seems to make a difference on either of these symptoms. My other symptom may be non-electrical, but I'm going to state it just in case. The car ran just fine after we got the battery for a day or two, and now it does start and run okay, but I'm noticing that when I'm at higher speeds, the car feels very... unsteady is the best word for it. That split second when you're about to slide on ice, or like when the wind is rocking your car? I will get that fairly often while I'm on the freeway (50-60mph). The roads have been both wet and dry, and there has been wind, but not enough to make the car feel like it's lifting. I've had the tires inspected, and the front ones are like new, the back ones he said could probably use a replacement before icy weather, but nothing that should cause that sensation.
(This post was edited by christyp on Nov 30, 2010, 8:15 PM)
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Nov 30, 2010, 9:12 PM
Post #2 of 3
Re: 2004 Focus multiple issues
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You may want to have a shop check out the charging system to make sure it is in fact good. Some intermittent problems can easily be missed by someone inexperienced checking the system. Just because the voltage appears to be good at that exact moment doesn't necessarily mean the alternator is fine.... Before you take it in, what you can do would be to get a battery terminal cleaner from a parts store, take the battery connections apart and clean the posts & cables really good. Just you stating the car ran good for 2 days after the battery replacement made me think that either the alternator is defective and for 2 days the new battery could keep up with the system but is now drained or the connections were dirty, not cleaned well enough but clean enough for just a bit and now have dirty connections again... If they were really corroded to start with, a can a battery cleaner wouldn't hurt either That would be a starting point.... As for the handling problem it sounds like the rear tracking may be off or weak or loose suspension component. After a general visual inspection there really isn't much DIY things you could do so I would suggest taking it in to have the suspension & alignment checked....
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New User
Dec 1, 2010, 6:15 AM
Post #3 of 3
Re: 2004 Focus multiple issues
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I will look into both of these (you'd think Big-O would have suggested that when I described the problem, maybe I need to look elsewhere for that this time), thank you so much!
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