New User
Aug 25, 2007, 3:16 PM
Post #1 of 2
1996 Nissan/Altima GXE
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Need some help here, My daughter's car was vandalized and the tumblers and antitheft chip were removed. I am thinking that the chip is in the ignition switch? This is the part I think we need: http://replacement.car-stuff.com/...issionType=Automatic We can't do anything until we can start the darned car!!! If I have the right part I will be amazed! LOL! Any way her original key was broken, so she needs this anyway. KIDS! If you need more info I will answer all I know. Glenda
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New User
Aug 26, 2007, 9:58 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: 1996 Nissan/Altima GXE
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Well I think I have my answer from another forum A friend said he doesn't think Altima put in the anti- theft chips until 1999 and that the ignition switch I linked too has a normal key, So thanks anyway Glenda
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