Manual Transmission CLK 200 STUCK in reverse
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Mercedes clk200
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Sep 6, 2015, 11:46 AM
Post #1 of 2
Manual Transmission CLK 200 STUCK in reverse
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Hello, all. I have a very confusing story to tell. I drive a Mercedes Clk 200 1997 model. The car has driven 220.000 KM and the engine is in excellent condition. But something really WEIRD happened today. I drove my car like normally yesterday. I went home from work and parked my car and put it in reverse because of a small hill. And then, almost 24 hours later I sat in ready to take off when my gear stick literally wont budge into a single gear other than the reverse gear, which it already was in, and for some reason the fifth gear. But when I put it into fifth gear I could feel like I put it into air. I didnt feel that the gear was actually put into fifth gear. Still it would not go forward only backwards. So main thing, it will only go in reverse even if the stick is in NEUTRAL! I mean what the? How can this happen when the car was perfectly fine the day before? I did not drive at all before this happened. I am going mad trying to figure this out. Google had no answer to give, so I would try here.
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Sep 7, 2015, 11:00 AM
Post #2 of 2
Re: Manual Transmission CLK 200 STUCK in reverse
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Hello, This transmission should be a Getrag, made in germany unit, ive done a few of these, from what your saying it almost sounds like the fork has broken off the shift rail or something came apart and is jamming the fork in reverse. The main selector rail i believe comes through the back of the unit, you always disconnect the shifter from the trans and see if you could get it to move. The units are not that easy to work on. but, i believe your looking at an internal problem. Gary
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