Is this just a transmission problem
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Jul 2, 2008, 7:02 AM
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Is this just a transmission problem
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Ok my car is a 1977 toyota corolla wagon DLX 1.6 manual transmission My problem is that it will slip out of gear. When I keep pressure on the gear shift while driving, I can feel slight pressure as it tries to come out of gear, but it stays in. Quite difficult to do with a car that doenst have power steering. Now that is in the morning. As I move later in the day, and the temp is 90*F or more, no matter how much pressure I keep on the gear shift, it doesnt stay in gear, and that happens in 3rd. cant shift into any gear, car dies and I have to coast to the nearest shoulder. Try to restart the car, and it acts as if no gas(did in full tank). If I let it rest for a few minutes(10-30) it will start, but after a few meters, slips out again, and dies. Thats if it goes into any gear. Usually after it dies out the first time, it will slip out of first. Wondering if this is just a transmission problem, or perhaps the altanator is getting weak. There are no noises out of the ordinary when this happens. No claks or clicks or grinding. Just the sound of my car losing power as it slips out of gear. Please help, need to know what if wrong before I spend a LOT of money.
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