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199 Honda Passport Transmission shifting hard into 2nd

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Jun 2, 2009, 6:24 AM

Post #1 of 2 (8110 views)
199 Honda Passport Transmission shifting hard into 2nd Sign In

I have a 1999 Honda Passport V6, automatic transmission. I drained and removed the transmission pan to change the filter. I noticed that there is a smaller pan just toward the front of the transmission that I did not have a gasket for (it was not included in the kit I purchased just one for the main pan). The magnet was covered with fine metallic dust and the fluid was dark brown and smelled burned. After replacing the filter and gasket I filled the fluid pumping it back into the transmission until it started to leak out then stopped. I ran the motor at idle putting in in reverse and drive the added more fluid to top it off. The transmission wines out a bit much before shifting into second gear but when it warms up it shifts smoother. I also drained the pan a second time to flush more of the dark fluid out then added two fresh quarts or just less then two to top it off. The Trans fluid still does not look at all clean or smell new. ...........Did I do this correctly or did I overfill the trans by running it a little then adding more fluid, should I find the gasket for the smaller pan and drain that pain also. Can you give me some pointers and instructions on this. Thanks You,

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jun 2, 2009, 8:05 AM

Post #2 of 2 (8095 views)
Re: 199 Honda Passport Transmission shifting hard into 2nd Sign In

The problem is that 75% of the fluid is held in the torque converter and cannot be drained. That's why the only way to get all the fluid out is by using a total replacement flush machine. It lets the car pump out the old fluid while replacing it as it comes out.

Don't be surprised if your problem gets much worse after doing this though. The fact that your fluid smells burnt is telling you that it may already be too late and new fluid now will flush out the sludge that is holding the trans together right now.


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