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Car loses all electrical power, then suddenly comes back after a few minutes

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Jun 12, 2017, 3:35 PM

Post #1 of 4 (2674 views)
Car loses all electrical power, then suddenly comes back after a few minutes Sign In

Just over a week ago I came back to my car (Ford Fiesta mk7 2009 1.4 tdci ~50k miles) to find the remote fob not working to unlock the car. Assumed the fob battery had died, so unlocked manually via the key. Got in the car, realised there was absolutely no electrical power, completely dead, no dashboard/interior lights, turning key in ignition did nothing.

Assumed the battery had randomly died. Checked under bonnet for connections etc., all seemed fine. Was about to call break down, then suddenly all power came back and I was able to start the car. Assumed it was some electrical glitch, didn't think much of it.

All fine been driving as usual all of last week until today - came back to car, unlocked fine, all power fine and then electrics go completely dead just as I'm turning key to start engine. Thought I was scuppered this time, but then suddenly, again about 5 minutes later, all power came back and I was able to start engine and drive home fine.

I noticed both times the clock had lost about 5 mins of time, so I assume somehow using the key fob in the first instance was what caused the power cut? I can't think what the problem is, the battery should be perfectly healthy as it was replaced only a couple of years ago. I don't know much about these things, but perhaps an issue with the alternator? Or just battery connections/terminals?

In any case, it probably needs a trip to the garage but I thought I'd ask here if anyone has any idea what the problem might be and if there is a simple fix that could be tried?

In the meantime I assume I am ok to drive the car until it goes into garage (if it comes to that) - I'm worried now that the electrics could go dead while driving which I don't think would be a pleasant situation to be in!

Thank you in advance for your help.

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jun 12, 2017, 3:49 PM

Post #2 of 4 (2663 views)
Re: Car loses all electrical power, then suddenly comes back after a few minutes Sign In

It's pretty apparent that you have a connection issue somewhere. It could be in a half dozen different places. Someone is going to have to track it down while the problem is present.


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New User

Jun 12, 2017, 4:03 PM

Post #3 of 4 (2657 views)
Re: Car loses all electrical power, then suddenly comes back after a few minutes Sign In

Thank you for your quick response. Should I be avoiding driving the car until it can be looked at? Could electrical power be lost while driving which might be quite dangerous?

Hammer Time
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
Hammer Time profile image

Jun 12, 2017, 4:34 PM

Post #4 of 4 (2649 views)
Re: Car loses all electrical power, then suddenly comes back after a few minutes Sign In

Well, I guess that depends on how opposed you are to sitting on the side of the road waiting for a tow truck or getting stuck in the middle of traffic.


We offer help in answering questions, clarifying things or giving advice but we are not a substitute for an on-site inspection by a professional.


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