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96 Nissan Maxima 3.0 L V6 100,000+miles. Possible Fuel Pump issues or a homie out?

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Apr 24, 2018, 5:32 PM

Post #1 of 1 (962 views)
post icon 96 Nissan Maxima 3.0 L V6 100,000+miles. Possible Fuel Pump issues or a homie out? Sign In

Ok so bare with me here I know slim to nill about cars. The fact that we even made it home today is God’s good graces cause I vaguely understand what went wrong with our car but not 100% and think I know how to fix it but again not 100%.

I don’t know how to check a lot of things but YouTube is a magical place and that’s how I learned how to replace the fuel filter and pump. We recently replaced the fuel filter and our car was running a lot smoother and we were in general getting good mileage.

Yesterday the car started pulling pretty hard, we pulled over and my fiancé and I checked the wheels cause we honestly thought we might have a flat. Tires are ok. Not the issue rn. We got back on the road and went home. Today his mom and sister took the car on the highway which we try and avoid because it has a cv axle that will probably go out sometime soon from the grinding we get when we turn anywhere. We know we need to repair or replace that soon. Just don’t have a lot of money rn.
Anyways, they had zero issues. Said car ran fine, we took the car out, stayed off the highway and took backroads the minute we hit our destination and we’re at an uphill incline our car starts to lock up and stutter, won’t accelerate when we give it gas and eventually just dies. Engine goes silent. Battery is connected 100% knocked some stuff off the plugs to it made sure it was all connected just in case it was a battery issue. In all this zero check engine lights are on, no notifications of a possible culprit. Nada. We hop back in after checking the battery and oil levels as well just in case, try and crank her up again same deal, turns over stutters and dies. We’re stuck in this uphill turn lane for about an hour till a sheriff noticed us and helped us push the car into a lot. We park it and chill for a bit, call a buddy to try and see if he can explain what may be our issue because again we know squat about cars 😭 he tells us it sounds like the starter. I’ve had a faulty starter before on my moms dodge and that’s not what this feels like. But I’m not a mechanic so yeah. Another friend tells us it sounds like fuel isn’t reaching the engine, so it could be the pump or something is clogged because people like to drive the car on fumes alone because people are inconsiderate jerks🤬 I have a few it could be’s but no one really willing to come help us figure it out.

So I know that’s not a whole diagnostic testing run informative explanation but that’s what I’ve got I’m sorry, I know it’s not much but I’m praying this sounds familiar to someone and someone anyone could throw some suggestions my way because we live paycheck to paycheck rn and I start a new job tomorrow and that’s our only vehicle. Someone please tell me y’all can help 😭


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