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2010 Sonata shift lever difficult to move, not always reaching far enough to hit "D"

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Jul 14, 2017, 7:59 PM

Post #1 of 2 (2192 views)
2010 Sonata shift lever difficult to move, not always reaching far enough to hit "D" Sign In

My Sonata developed a problem with the shifting mechanism. The shift lever became slightly harder to move. When this happened and how quickly I can't remember, but I know it's been a nagging problem for about a couple of years.
About a year ago, when I put it in Drive, the "D" indicator doesn't always show up and stayed blank. However, it *was* in Drive because I could drive it. The engine light would then come on, perhaps because it detects that something is not aligned right or something.
If I then from then on, every time I put it in drive, I push it a little harder until the "D" shows up in the display on the dashboard, then after about 24 hours or so, the engine light would come off again.
So that kept going for about a year.
But then I ran into part 2 of this problem. I couldn't get it into the drive. It would stay in neutral even though the level was in the d position. Before I got away with it, but now I don't. I then put it into the manual up/down gear shifting mode. No effect. The level goes there, but accomplishes nothing. End then, I couldn't move the lever back to the left side, into drive! I ended up stranded in a parking lot!
I tried doing the shift-lock-release button thing, that's hidden underneath that little cover, but that didn't work.
I ended up taking the cover off (the big plate with the P R N D indications), and discovered how there is a cable that's pushed by this white box that has the lever mechanisms in it. Something is out of whack somewhere, in addition to possibly the cable moving stiff.
I'm guessing that some WD40 in the cable on both ends might help make it move better. I'm hoping that the linkage, the part that goes into the transmission, that that isn't the culprit.
I tried to take that box, the lever mechanisms. Took off all screws in sight, but it won't budge. How do I remove that whole lever mechanism box, so that I can see and inspect and see what's possibly wrong there?

Tom Greenleaf
Ultimate Carjunky / Moderator
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Jul 15, 2017, 1:01 AM

Post #2 of 2 (2168 views)
Re: 2010 Sonata shift lever difficult to move, not always reaching far enough to hit "D" Sign In

That's a tough run on sentence to read. At first notice you've allowed this to be a problem for so long left unfixed who knows now where what is worn/broken?

Look at transmission to see if that is bent or broken in some way.

Other on this: If you park routinely on an incline and just use "park" to hold the car you are really stressing out shifter parts to get out of park. Lock car still with parking brake first then put cars in "P" not a maybe if you are doing this wrong you will stress out about any shift design,



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