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2009 kia Spectra grinding noise when stoping/taking off

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Mar 18, 2011, 8:52 PM

Post #1 of 2 (2697 views)
2009 kia Spectra grinding noise when stoping/taking off Sign In

I own a 2009 Kia Spectra base model. It has 45,000 miles on it. Just earlier this week, after filling the car up with gas, I noticed a grinding noise when I started to come to a stop at a red light, it sounded like I had something huge rolling around in the trunk of the car. Then when I take off, it makes the sound again. Its my wife's car and its her only form of transportation to work. When I am driving, I do not hear this sound. This has been a great car for my wife and I until we heard this. We are very tight on money right now, so I am hoping that it is something simple. Any sugestions?

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Mar 19, 2011, 6:14 AM

Post #2 of 2 (2687 views)
Re: 2009 kia Spectra grinding noise when stoping/taking off Sign In

 Sounds like it could be something break related should have them inspected a good place to start.. anything besides that should be covered by 5 year 60k miles warranty..


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