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2002 Grand Prix GTP power steering noise

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Nov 10, 2010, 12:10 AM

Post #1 of 2 (2675 views)
2002 Grand Prix GTP power steering noise Sign In

Grand Prix GTP
3.8L Supercharged V6

Vehicle makes loud power steering "strain" sound on sharp left tuns ONLY. Sound persists after sharp lefts (U-turns over 5mph for example) and is RPM dependent (pitch goes up as RPMs do) as I continue to drive for the next mile or so. Goes away after that until the next sharp left.

The RPM dependent part is what makes me think it's not the power steering pump, and possibly transmission related? Also, the sound is almost unnoticeable @ idle when stopped with the wheel locked left or right. Wanted some opinions from others. Both half shafts and wheel bearings on the front were just replaced if that helps any. Trans was rebuilt @ 90k miles by previous owner at AAMCO (puke).

If any more details would help, just let me know - I'd be happy to provide them. Thanks for your time.

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Nov 10, 2010, 7:02 PM

Post #2 of 2 (2665 views)
Re: 2002 Grand Prix GTP power steering noise Sign In

With those symptoms I would be looking at the rack & pinion 1st and make sure there are no problems there...

You could try flushing your system to see if that makes any kind of difference........


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