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1998 Isuzu engine hums when cold

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Dec 13, 2010, 5:39 AM

Post #1 of 1 (2875 views)
post icon 1998 Isuzu engine hums when cold Sign In

I own an Isuzu Wizard (1998, diesel, automatic, fuel injection, 74 000 miles, 3,5 liter). One morning I started the car and I heard a slow, heavy sound (like an old truck or bus in neutral) about once per second. The gas pedal was very slow to react. In fact it reacted only after 15-30 seconds. And with the engine still cold and driving on a rugged dirt road, the engine 'breathed' heavily (without the car stuttering). Once on the paved road, the car ran smoothly. But when stopping (at traffic lights, etc) and my foot on the brake, the engine made the heavy humming sound again, especially when it was still cold. Putting the transmission on 'neutral', the heavy sound diminished.
I changed the oil, the oil filter and diesel filter. I had the car scanned (nothing to be found) and I had the injectors cleaned. No result.
Does anybody have any idea what might be the problem?

Thank You.


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